How to be fit on a sailboat, while having two little kids? Never ending list to be done on a boat? Some workout? Yoga? Yes! Sure! It happens! Sometimes ) Most of the time, I am too busy in a super-high-fast mode all the time or just choose chocolate….;( Few weeks ago my friend from Poland was visiting me – real fitness goddess
and showed me this 15 minutes routine to keep my muscles strong and firm
))) Kasia Nawrocka! Thank you! I love it! I confess I am not doing it everyday …. But this time I did it … between baking rolls and cleaning kitchen… Yeah! It cost me only sweating in the sun and ….. BIG mess on the floor that kids done
This video now should get me motivated to get off my butt. I am already tired of looking at me….. Please watch my own episode on YT channel …. Scary Mommy Woman Day!!!!!!
Lots of Love,