Wersja Polska https://sailoceans.com/wywrotnosc-jachtow-wielokadlubowych/ Not for the first time the question was asked about the stability of multi-hull yachts, i.e. catamarans and trimarans. Let’s start with a very general statement that, if we…
SUPPORT OUR CREATION ️ LIFE “HERE AND NOW” On our channel we share with you our journey, not only across oceans, but above all a journey through life. We would love to inspire you…
What is really important in my life? … a balance. Being a woman with so many roles as mother, wife, girlfriend, lover, daughter, sailor, traveler, cook, electrician, plumber, mechanic …and others… gives…
Do you like lighthouses? We really do! This the very BEST place we ever visited on our way. It is the Bird Rock Island in the Bahamas and … turned out the…