When we announced last time in 2018 recruitment for a nanny/crew/part of a family position at our floating home it raised a bit of “controversy”.
We’d like to revisit the subject as seen from the perspective of the very person that has now been sailing with us for a year now.
We are sharing the details of our lives, funny and scary stories, and above all, what life on a boat looks like … “life under the palm trees”.
Sit back and enjoy some “knotty” details as well
Ania and Kasia
BTW. If you have any topic we didn’t raise in a video, please comment below or send us a message or email. We are gonna do an extra Q&A session. Thank you.
An announcement for those who want to sail with us: a recruitment for the next season will be posted around April 2020 😚
Poly Crew ❤️
We are a Polish family (Ania, Bartek, Kuba and Julian) traveling around the world with our floating home, as a way to promote an alternative lifestyle outside the system.
In our episodes, we want to inspire you to a conscious life, to reach your own needs, feelings, not to put your dreams (small and large) to “sometime”, and bring awareness into our lives.
Your support shows us that this awakening of awareness about life outside the system is needed and you want more! The life we have chosen not only means traveling the world, adventures, meeting people and places. It is very exciting, and at the same time sharing it with our children makes this journey taste even more! But! We want to inspire you to go beyond traditional schemes and programs to feel for yourself, what you want in life and just do it.
If you feel that our creation is valuable to you, brings something to your everyday life and would like to contribute to the growth of our channel, our production, we will be grateful for your gratitude.
We have prepared a lot of extras for our patrons, we invite you to a closed group on facebook “The LOVE Boat – SailOceans Patrons Community”, where we publish additional content, videos, also those censored by YT police, and there we will also share our experience with you and answer your questions about an alternative way of life, raising children, sailing, ecology and awareness of everyday life, including spirituality, meditation, life in harmony and many other subjects that are censored by the corporate “thought police”.
Thank you with all our hearts for your commitment and involvement and we’re repaying with ours ❤️
Ania, Bartek, Kuba and Julian
https://patronite.pl/sailoceans (POLISH Patreon)
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I wish you a safe journey home Kasia! We hope to see you again one day! (Życzę ci bezpiecznej podróży do domu Kasiu! Mamy nadzieję, że znów się spotkamy!)
Thank you from Kasia 🙂