You probably got a chance to witness the beauty and majesty of the coral reefs. Unfortunately, experts believe that as much as 75 percent of the world’s coral reefs are in danger because of water temperature rising, excess carbon dioxide in the water and other types of pollution, also caused by our lifestyle. New episode is UP today! 💚🌎
As we travel and visit many places and see an underwater environment as well it is heartbreaking to see damaged coral reefs, lots of plastic floating in the ocean, very often stuck on the corals. While we were sailing in the Grenadines and had this thought that we need to record a video and spread it to the world to bring awareness to our daily routine behaviors to save our planet or at least stop devastating. The very next day we met Eugen Babau who runs a marine conservation foundation and one of their projects is restoring coral reefs. We couldn’t resist to make an interview with him and raise this extremely important topic and discuss the state of coral reef and what we all can do everyday to save coral reefs and our planet. Please, watch and share this video to raise awareness in everyday life. Some of the steps we can take are not big ones but REALLY DO MATTER when lots of us do the same!
New episode is UP now 🌎💚
In the next episode we invite you to join us underwater in Petit Saint Vincent to see amazing work that Eugen and his colleagues do! We were so lucky to observe them while they were planting new coral! Thank you Eugen ❤️
Lots of love.
Ania & Bartek