Here’s the story behind this. Around February 2019, YouTube unilaterally decided to turn off comments on tens of thousands of family channels. Their official corporate stamped response to numerous protests effectively implies that children will be better protected from pedophiles if the comments are disabled. 6 months later I am still at a loss trying to find the faintest causal link between the two. Apparently, the new policy was their knee jerk answer to the immediate need to the outside pressures to show they are doing something about protecting children. However misguided that policy is the truth lies in the algorithm that heavily relies on the comment activity. If a channel has low (or none in our case) comment activity it is deemed largely unpopular and it is omitted from many searches and suggested videos even though it may be very much on the subject that you are researching or simply interested in. Comment section is indeed very useful and the discussions we had with our viewers were highly constructive to both sides. We lost thousand of them and countless hours of work answering very informative questions. Since the comments ban the algorithm effectively put our channel on backburner and nearly stopped our fairly dynamic growth. We also lost touch with a number of very active fans. We miss you sorely. We thank those that managed to find us visa other channels like FB, Instagram, and our own and reestablished the links.
We say NO to corporate censorship that muffles our open stance about important issues in lives and specially family lives under a very poorly constructed pretense of protection. We are very aware of what is going on in the World and are highly capable of protecting ourselves and our children. We certainly do not need YouTube to institute the thought police straight out of Orwell’s “1984” script. We know our life is not a typical family life, but we have every intention of showing it as is. We also get the sense that there is a large group of people seriously tired of watching the same sugar coated and nauseating, TV style, zero drama content that reflects only a tiny bits of someone’s life carefully handpicked not to cause any real discussion or to throw anyone of their comfort zone. Remaining in the comfort zone guarantees one cannot learn anything new, because by definition one remains in the familiar territory at all times. Who is YouTube management to decide what model should our lives be lead based on? Why should they be lead based on any model other than our own true and most fundamental feelings of being connected with others by and in love.
The cherry on the cake is the HYPOCRISY. We have not found a family channel showing kids in swimsuit or even in just diapers have their comments shutdown with 100000 subscribers or more. So apparently the comments only excite pedophiles if the channel brings less money to YouTube. Big channels simply never faced this problem.
Lots of love.
Ania & Bartek 🙏
We invite you to our to follow along and leave comments. Only there can we guarantee to remain open and available with a clear and crisp voice unaltered by the corporate communism censors.
I am very glad you made this video. Although I don’t sail yet or vlog on Youtube, I watch many of the sailing channels. For months I have thought it was so unfair that some channels had comments turned off – while others were allowed to get comments. The excuse from Youtube is just that – an excuse to guide programming according to their choices. I do not know what Youtube is trying to accomplish but as you know they have not cut off comments from all sailing channels with children. Maybe if they cut comments off on “the big boys” it will rock the boat too much! But why cut them off? – do it for all or none! Im glad you called out LaVagabonde – sometimes I go to their comments in a video to see if anyone comments about how they hardly ever put their son in a life vest – and no one comments about that- or they are maybe culled. That is actually against the law in the USA but no one said anything when they were sailing in Florida. Of the channels I watch, I know that along with yours, Aboard Mermaid Monster, Spoondrifters and Winty still have comments cut off. I believe that Zatara and I know that Sailboat Story had theirs cut off but are now back on. Reach out to Ben on Sailboat Story and ask how he got his back, then check with Brooke on Aboard Mermaid Monster to see if she has made any progress on getting their on. Best of luck and I hope this issue is resolved soon so you can grow and enjoy the feedback from your audience.
Thank you Marcia. We will contact Ben for sure. Good point. Sorry for super late reply. We just cleaning up tons of spam, and fortunately your fell victim. Lots of love and thank you for watching.
FWIW: My personal nickname for YT is “ScrewYouTube”. It That nickname can be thought of in TWO ways:
(1) The content creator’s and viewer’s opinion of the site in recent years –> “SCREW YOUTUBE!”.
(2) How the site appears to treat content creators and viewers in recent years –> “SCREWYOU! TUBE”.
‘Nuff said….
Love it George. I am glad you’re here. Lots of love.